What is CalFresh Outreach?
Basic Needs CalFresh Outreach creates awareness for undergraduate and graduate students who may be eligible for CalFresh food benefits commonly referred to as SNAP. SNAP is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is administered through the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). CDSS contracts with community-based organizations to provide CalFresh outreach and application assistance services. USDA funding covers less than one-half of the center’s total program costs. The remainder of funding is contributed by local partners through donations and other unrestricted, non-federal funding sources. To learn what our team can help you with, watch the video found on the left.
What is CalFresh?
CalFresh is a federal nutrition assistance program that helps eligible individuals and families stretch a tight food budget. CalFresh also helps many afford to incorporate healthy foods like fruits and vegetables into their diets. Those who qualify are entitled to receive this assistance and will not take someone else’s place or money from another person or program.
What is an EBT card?
CalFresh issues monthly electronic benefits (money) on an EBT card that can be used to purchase groceries at locations that accept CalFresh. Simply put, an EBT Card is a debit-like card for groceries! Note that a household of 1 can receive up to $291/month in benefits.